About Research Food Diary - Frequently Asked Questions

There is a version of Easy Diet Diary specifically for use by participants in research studies, called Research Food Diary. Here is more information.

What is Research Food Diary and how is it different from Easy Diet Diary?

Research Food Diary is a free mobile app for diet tracking. It is very similar to Easy Diet Diary but does not show any nutrient analysis to make it suitable for research study participants.

Where is Research Food Diary available?

In Australia and New Zealand on both Android and iOS.

Does using Research Food Diary cost money?

Research Food Diary is a free research tool for study participants. To view and analyse their diaries you require FoodWorks 10 Professional.

How do participants get access to Research Food Diary?

You and your participants can download Research Food Diary by searching for it in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

What is the food data used? Is it NZ data in NZ?

We use Australian food composition data. The New Zealand version of the app also uses Australian food composition data only.

How can I view my participants’ diaries?

There are a couple of ways you can retrieve your participants’ diaries:

  1. Your participants could email their diary to you as usual for viewing in FoodWorks 10 Professional.
  2. You could use Easy Diet Diary CONNECT. Easy Diet Diary CONNECT is a web portal that allows you to see the diaries that your participants have logged in Research Food Diary in real time. From Easy Diet Diary CONNECT, you can then open these diaries in FoodWorks 10 Professional for further nutrition analysis. It is currently free to use.

Can users set their profile in Research Food Diary?

No. Users cannot set their gender, weight, height etc in Research Food Diary.

Do we have any guides or videos for Research Food Diary?

No, but Easy Diet Diary support articles are often applicable.

Can Xyris access participants’ data?

We are able to access Easy Diet Diary users’ data for troubleshooting and bug fixing purposes. We access this data only with express permission from the user in question.

Where is Research Food Diary users’ data stored?

We use industry standard cloud data storage, largely using Amazon Web Services. Our Amazon Web Services data (which includes Research Food Diary users’ data) is stored in the Sydney, Australia data centre, however, we understand that for disaster recovery purposes the data is replicated in other data centres, possibly overseas.

Can I access pictures taken by users of Research Food Diary?

Use Easy Diet Diary CONNECT.

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